Monday, October 13, 2008

Boys; You Can't Live With 'Em, and You Can't Have Sex Without 'Em

I was reminded yesterday evening of how difficult it is when someone you are seeing makes a unilateral decision about your relationship. It has happened to me on several occasions in my own dating life. You are going along seemingly knitting your lives together and giving more and more of your heart only to have the rug pulled out from under you in a phone call, e-mail, IM or conversation. You are left standing there wondering what you have done, why you have risked getting hurt again. 

For me the answer is simple, without risk there is no possibility of reward. In the moment this is little comfort, in fact, it won't even stop the ache for a millisecond, but it is the underlying reason why we risk our hearts, gay or straight, to be in relationship. 

It is also the foundation of why I am a man of faith. I believe that we are called to relationship with the Creator and that our interpersonal relationships are were we learn how to be in relationship with God. Unfortunately we are frail humans subject to the imperfection of our being and we often end up hurting each other. It sucks. 

But in those times when it sucks, we learn things about ourselves, sometimes things we don't want to know, sometimes things we always knew. Most importantly we are reminded that we are alive, and able to feel emotion and able to form attachments to other people. 

It is the scandal of being gay, we are just like the straight community. We can break each other's hearts and find it within ourselves to move on. 

You get extra credit if you get the two song references in the last two paragraphs. 

1 comment:

choral_composer said...

Would they be 'Being Alive' from 'Company' and 'Move On' from 'Sunday in the Park with George'?