Monday, July 23, 2007

And they're worried about gay marriage...

Okay, so first I have to admit to watching "Rock of Love with Bret Michaels" on VH 1, but I am totally appalled by the episode I am watching now. Somehow my wanting to marry a man is going to ruin heterosexual marriage, but a television show that demands that women have phone sex with a man with a monitor on his penis in order to measure how good they are at making him horny is just plain ole fun. I cannot believe how disgusting this show is... and it is fair to say, "but you keep watching" yes, I do, because I want to see just how far this will go in the name of entertainment.

In a nutshell, this show's two themes are, alcohol and inappropriate behavior. Catch an episode and be horrified. Moral majority, where are you now?

Monday, July 16, 2007

A woman who has won my heart!

Okay, so I have to give my heart to Elizabeth Edwards... all because of the following:

Elizabeth Edwards reiterated her support for same-sex marriage in a speech Saturday in Sacramento, Calif., saying the idea that it threatens heterosexual marriage is ''complete nonsense.'' ''I think that we have undue fear of gay marriage,'' she said.

WOW... how long have I been saying that? The only thing I can figure the heterosexual community is afraid of is that the homosexual community will be more successful at partnerships so they don't want them called marriage. This woman is clearly secure in her sexual and marital choice and that makes me want to hug her!

Hurray for Elizabeth Edwards... one down and only 200 million or so to go!

Monday, July 02, 2007

I knew it would happen...

So today our venerable administration, namely our president George W. Bush, or as we in San Francisco call him, Shrub, commuted the sentence of Lewis (Scooter) Libby, denouncing that the penalty of 2.5 years in prison was too harsh. As I remember it, when I was a Republican, we were the party of Lincoln, standing for law and order in our nation. I think Shrub may have missed that meeting.

To call a 2.5 year prison sentence for LYING to a prosecutor too harsh is UNCONSCIONABLE to me... not to mention shocking. I figured that Shrub would pardon him on the way out of office in 1.5 years, but to commute his sentence entirely... wow. How I wish Kenneth was home to chew over this one with... but alas he is gadding about Europe... blissfully unaware of the HORROR here in the USA.

Yes, I really think it is horror. I cannot begin to think how I teach my daughter to respect the law and the rulings of the judicial system when our president, yes he is mine too unfortunately, does not. All this on the heels of two rulings of the Supreme Court that basically say, "Hey stop discriminating, we don't need those pesky laws to follow, just be good boys and girls in the playground." SHEESH!

Oh, by the way... I'm back.