It strikes me as unbelievable that the men and women that we send to Washington DC can fail time and time again to discern when it is in the country's best interest not to listen to popular opinion. Of course it makes sense along an issue like gay marriage where one side of the aisle believes the world is black and white and there is no gray, let alone color... but when it comes to our economic well being, how can these men and women be so short sighted.
So yesterday along largely ideological lines the House of Representatives defeated the economic recovery package sending the world's financial markets into a tail spin. We are quick to point out that it wasn't the worst fall... by percentage... but it was the biggest number, 777 points... OUCH. And so we are doomed to continue to ride this roller coaster that is the financial markets of the world, and I am doomed to have more friends and possibly even me, loose their jobs. Many of which now are people that have high positions, executive vice presidents that have given more than 10 years of service to their companies, yes friends that's just how bad it is.
It is so bad, that I am afraid to call some companies because I am not sure who's still there. And all this brought to you by... our president shrub and his friends who believe that if you just give more money to the rich people and big corporations, surely some of that will dribble down to the rest of us.
Funny, it would seem that if you give the rich and large corporations more money, they gamble it away trying to make even more. Maybe it's time we try it a different way. Maybe it is, as Barack Obama says, time for a change. Real change. Not the change of, "look at me I'm a Maverick, even though I have been here 40 years". Maybe it's time we put a little money in the pockets of those who make less than $200,000/year and finance it by increasing the taxes on the gamblers who make more than that and have been living high on the hog by the sweat of the rest of our labors.
Funny the last "tax and spend liberal" who was elected to 8 years left us with a surplus and a booming economy. Let's just remember that as the right tries yet again to make that label stick to the only HOPE we have had in decades.
Aren't we glad something has distracted me from my personal life? =0)