Wednesday, November 08, 2006

We’re Not in Kansas Anymore! Thank GOD!

Well, who knew we would wake up to a Democratic majority in the house, a possible Democratic majority in the Senate and Donald Rumsfeld resigning as Secretary of Defense? Is that the Trifecta of American politics, or what? It is a new dawn. Even George Bush sounded bewildered in his press conference… talking about working with the very people only two days ago he was calling incompetent; he must have thought that Karl Rove was right and now doesn’t know who to believe, because let’s face it, he doesn’t have a thought or belief that is his own. So, Democrats, our problem now is to remember how to make this government work for the people once again. Something that is has been very missing in the past 6 years. Please take a page from the Clinton playbook and work together with what allies you can find in the GOP.

As for values, we need to grab the opportunity and use the platform we have to remind America that we Democrats are indeed for California Values, because in California we value everyone, of every race, creed, religion, and sexuality. You go Ms. Nancy! Show the boys how you can run the congress cleanly and amicably and get things on the desk of this president that he has no desire to see. Show him and the Radical Fundamentalist Right for what they are, a bunch of obstructionist, one note, opportunists. Show this nation what true American Family Values are, that as Christ said, we love one another as he loved us… everyone, the prostitutes, tax collectors, heathens, Republicans and everyone else!

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